Comparaison des versions


  • Ces lignes ont été ajoutées. Ce mot a été ajouté.
  • Ces lignes ont été supprimées. Ce mot a été supprimé.
  • La mise en forme a été modifiée.


1. Go to the Reports tab from the main menu

     22. Select the Performance by email report and click on Progression


     33. You have access to all the following statistics from this interface:

 Delivered (%)
 Open (%)
 Clicks (%)
 Unsubscribe (%)
 Bounce (%)


4. Click on a particular email to access all of its statistics and to visualize charts detailing this email’s performance. 

Image RemovedYou can access all of its performance details, such as:

  1. The amount of emails delivered.
  2. The amount of emails opened.
  3. The amount of emails that bounced back.
  4. The amount of unread email.
  5. The unsubscribe rate.
  6. The rate of emails considered SPAM.
  7. The most popular links and all of the contacts that clicked on them.

Image Added


It is important to note that the reports (clicks, open) combine the first sending and the relaunches that were made afterwards for this same email. 
