Comparaison des versions


  • Ces lignes ont été ajoutées. Ce mot a été ajouté.
  • Ces lignes ont été supprimées. Ce mot a été supprimé.
  • La mise en forme a été modifiée.

This article will demonstrate how to add Google Attributes to your Google My Business profile. Google Attributes will help you describe your business and services. 


How to access Attributes ?

  1. From the left menu Locations section, select List of locations.

  2. Select the location you wish to modify. From the 3 dot menu at the right of the location, select "Location" to open its Master Profile.

  3. Select the Subscribed Directories tab.
  4. To the right of the Google line, click on the 3 dot menu.
  5. Click on Edit to open the page dedicated to the Google My Business information of your location. If Edit is not available, you can double-click on the Google My Business line and this will bring you in the Edit mode.

  6. In the Attributes section, click on the pen to update the content.

  7. Select the attributes of your choice by clicking on each of them.
  8. Items with a check and teal will be displayed as an offered service.
  9. Items with a teal  indicate an available item that is not selected. Unselected items won't show on Google.
  10. Items with and grey will be displayed as a non-offered service.

  11. Here's an example of how the selected options in LOCALTRAC will be displayed online:
  12. Save to validate your selection. Online update may take up to an hour.
