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The first screen LOCALTRAC dashboard allows you to see at login is the Dashboard. You will see statistics from your local marketing efforts. Those statistics are cumulative and present the marketing profile of the locations listed in your database as leads take action on them.

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Modify the date range for your statistics

Click on the date fields present at the top right of your dashboard.


Differents sections available on  your dashboard

1. Liste of subscribed directories. Logos in colour represent the validated directories. The percentage of your validated listings is present right under the logo.

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2. Commentaires (résultats cumulatifs). Tableau sommaire des commentaires positifs, négatifs et non-répondus.

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3. Liste des établissements où une action est requise. À partir de cette section, vous pouvez

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Des rapports plus détaillés sont disponibles à partir du menu Rapports à partir du menu vertical LOCALTRAC.

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the status of your listings, all in one place.

titleNumber of valid listings

From the dashboard, you can view the number of valid listings in your account. Note the valid listings percentage is based on the accuracy of all your listings in all directories. Therefore, if you have 20 locations and you are subscribed to 5 directories, you have a total of 100 listings, all directories combined. For example, if your listings are accurate in 4 directories, but none are accurate in the fifth directory, the bar will show 80%.

titleSubscribed directories

From the dashboard, you can view the directories you are subscribed to. The subscribed directories appear in colour, while the other appear greyed out. 

To subscribe to more directories, contact your account manager.

titleReviews overview

From the dashboard, you can have an overview of the reviews for the current period. Default period is always the last 30 days.

Reviews are split in the following groups:

  • Positive (3-5 stars)
  • Negative (1-2 star(s))
  • Not responded

The graphs show evolution of the reviews over time. The X axis is the time period while the Y axis is the number of reviews.

titleIncorrect listings

From the dashboard, you can view the list of locations including incorrect listings and not responded reviews.

You can easily search the table to find a specific location by entering the location address in the search bar.


Data is updated every night. Timing varies per client.