Comparaison des versions


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This documentation is for the version 2 of the PUBLITRAC API . Please note that PUBLITRAC V2 is in BETA stage and it evolves rapidly.


The authentication is used to obtain a valid token that your application will use to connect to any routes of the API. The token has a self-refreshing TTL (time to live) of 15 minutes. This means that the token remains active until15 until 15 minutes after your last call and past this point, you will need to authenticate it again.


URL: /v2/auth/getToken ~ GET
AuthorizationApi key received within the application of Publitrac (See settings)
No content for this one


URL: /v2/lead/delayedSync ~ POST
TokenToken of authorization

Bloc de code
     "leadInfo": {
         "email" : "",
         "crmLeadId": 12387,
         "jobTitle": "Awesome Programmer",
         "firstName": "John",
         "lastName": "Doe"
     "leadCustomField": {
         "customField1": "Value",
         "customField2": "Value2"

leadInfo represents the standard PUBLITRAC information that is required. The email is mandatory as we are using this as an identifier.
(this will change in the short term.) All field details are available here: List and description of all lead fields

LeadCustomFields is an associative array (fieldName => value) of the customField you want to edit/update/add in your lead.
