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  • Ces lignes ont été supprimées. Ce mot a été supprimé.
  • La mise en forme a été modifiée.


titleAccess the location master profile

You can access a location master profile several ways, the easiest way is from the List of locations page accessible from the Locations menu.

From the List of locations page, click on the three dots on the location for which you want to see the master profile and select Master profile.

titleModify the location Master Profile

In order to modify your Master Profile, click on the pen in the top right corner of the section you wish to modify.

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Once in the section of your choice and your corrections made, click on Save.

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Those modifications now need to be published online. To do so, click on Propagate once back on the Master Profile.

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In the Special Hours section, if your location is closed for a specific date, select the date and leave the Opening and Closing hours fields empty. Save to record those special hours :

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