Comparaison des versions


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LOCALTRAC is a web based application (cloud) and does not need to be installed on your computer. LOCALTRAC is accessible from a web browser (Explorer (IE9+), Chrome, Firefox, etc). The plateform is secured (https://) and is available in both French and English.


Following the procedure below, you will be able to log in to LOCALATRAC and access all the functionalities available according to your credentials' role/permission, at all times, wherever you are. 

1. Enter in your web browser (Explorer (IE9+), Chrome, Firefox, etc), .

2. Write down the Username and Password assigned to you. Username usually is an email address.

3. Click SIGN  LOG IN

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Logging out

It is important to log out from session when you exit the application.
  1. Click on the three lines in the top menu, to the right
  2. Click on Log out
