Comparaison des versions


  • Ces lignes ont été ajoutées. Ce mot a été ajouté.
  • Ces lignes ont été supprimées. Ce mot a été supprimé.
  • La mise en forme a été modifiée.

The first screen that will be displayed when you access PUBLITRAC will be the dashboard. Shown here are statistics from your different marketing campaigns. These statistics are cumulative and present the marketing profiles of your database as actions are carried out on your digital medias by individuals (leads).


Note that if you add, move, or delete a table, this change will be valid only for the current session. 

Add a Widget / Thumbnail

    1. Click on Add Widget /Thumbnail

    2. Select the desired Widget /Thumbnail desired. It will appear following the Widgets / Thumbnails displayed on the dashboard.


Move a Widget /Thumbnail

   1. Click on the tab above the Widget /Thumbnail and by holding down the button of your mouse, drag it to the desired location.


Remove a Widget / Thumbnail

   1. Click on the X at the top right of the Widget /Thumbnail to remove.


Change the dates on the Widgets / Thumbnails

   1. Click the Calendar drop-down menu to the left of the Add Widget / Thumbnail button

   2. Choose the desired date option. All Widgets / Thumbnails will change according to the selected option.

        Image RemovedImage Added

You may consult the totality of the performance reports that appear on the dashboard through the Analysis tab.

  1. Click Analysis.

  2. Click Performance Reports.

  3. Access the reports by two different ways: by category (with the tabs) or by clicking directly on the report

  Image RemovedImage Removed

Image Added


  • All reports available in PUBLITRAC are updated every 15 mintues.
