Comparaison des versions


  • Ces lignes ont été ajoutées. Ce mot a été ajouté.
  • Ces lignes ont été supprimées. Ce mot a été supprimé.
  • La mise en forme a été modifiée.

Merge leads

PUBLITRAC allows you to merge leads, while retaining the history of the merged leads.

  1. Select Leads, then Leads / Customers.

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The screen below appears.

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2. Select the Leads tab.

3. Select the desired list from the drop-down menu (the default lists available in PUBLITRAC appear first and the lists you have created manually are displayed below, in the following order: List, Filtered Lists, Segments).

                The screen below is displayed.



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4. Select the leads to be merged from the chosen list (click on the leads you want to merge while keeping the Ctrl button pressed down).

5. Click with the right button of your mouse on one of the leads selected to be merged. A drop- down menu appears. Select the option Merge.

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The screen below appears with the leads to be merged and the lead details fields for each lead to be merged.

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6. Choose the fields (values) to keep for this lead once the merger is completed. The chosen field becomes yellow when selected. For each field, a single value can be chosen and becomes the final value of this field once the merger is completed.

7. Click OK.





