3. Click Create a new dynamic content.
The window screen below is displayedappears.
4. Enter the Title of your dynamic content. For our example: test support.
By clicking Next in the previous step, you come back to the Create a new dynamic content interface.
The window screen below is displayedappears.
1. Select Configure a default content.
The window screen below is displayedappears.
2. Enter the Title of your default content. In our example: Title default content Support. This title appears in the preview to the right of your screen. It also appears in the Tile (image) inserted in the email sent to your lead.
By clicking Next in the previous step, you go back to the Dynamic content creation interface.
The window screen below is displayedappears.
1. Select Create new content.
The window screen below is displayedappears.
2. Enter the Name of your content. In our example: Product A for men
By clicking Next in the previous step, you go back to the Dynamic content creation interface.
The window screen below is displayedappears.
1. Select Create new content.
The window screen below is displayedappears.
2. Enter the Name of your content. In our example: Product B for women.
By clicking Next in the previous step, you go back to the Dynamic content creation interface.
The window screen below is displayedappears.
1. Every content has a configuration menu . Click on the small black arrow and you will have a choice of actions: Edit or Preview.
Content for Product B (female)
3.Click on Next
The window screen below is displayedappears.
4. Save.
5. Your dynamic content is now created and can be used in your email transmissions. See Step 5. Implement dynamic content in an email further down on this page.