Step 1. Create your test group
1. Click on the the icon (top right hand corner of the screen), then click on ConfigurationSettings.
2. Select the Test email Email test groups tab.
3. Click Add.
The screen below appears.
4. Enter the name for your test group (in our example: Test support PTRAC) and the email addresses to include in this test group (in our example: info@publipage.com, support@publipage.com). We recommend setting a minimum of 25 test email addresses from different email clients (Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo,..., and your company’s).
For other email domains (@hotmail @Yahoo, @your own domain), you need to create the necessary addresses as separate accounts. The email addresses of a same test group must be separated by a comma and a test group cannot contain more than 250 characters. Make sure that your test list contains the same fields as the fields stored in the list of leads who will receive real email. In our example, we have the following fields: Name, First name, Telephone, Email, salesperson`s name and first name.
5. Click Save.
Step 2. Import your test list in PUBLITRAC
Export your Excel list in .CSV format and import it into PUBLITRAC. In our example, we call the list, test Test campaign list.
a. From the main menu, choose Content Leads / Leads/Customers.
b. Select the List Management tab
c. Click Add.
The screen below appears.
d. Select Import a list.
The screen below appears.
e. Select the list to import from your workstation by clicking on the browse
to the right of the List line. The exploration window on your workstation opens. Choose the file you want and click Open.
f. Name the list *. In our example, we use the name Test campaign list.
The screen below appears.
h. Make sure that each field in your list (left column) has a PUBLITRAC equivalent (right column). A non-assigned field in the PUBLITRAC column will not be imported.
The screen below appears.
j. If you have non-standard values for certain fields, these exceptions will be displayed and you will have to provide replacement values. For example, Beer is not a language, therefore, identify to PUBLITRAC that when it sees Beer, it needs to put French in the field. Ditto for Coffee which needs to put English in the field.
k. Click OK.
The screen below appears.
l. The display then shows an example of a dozen emails that will be imported.
The current import window is displayed.
n. You can exit this screen and the importation will continue in the background.