Comparaison des versions


  • Ces lignes ont été ajoutées. Ce mot a été ajouté.
  • Ces lignes ont été supprimées. Ce mot a été supprimé.
  • La mise en forme a été modifiée.


Step 2a / Option Run your campaign on a list

1.Select lists Lists.

The screen below appears.


Step 2b / Option Run a campaign on a triggerTrigger(Points 1-7 above mentioned must be completed to proceed to the steps below).


2. Open Activities. Select Wait until (x) at (y) (the complete list of the Activities and Decisions is available at the end of this chapter), and drag it to the left side holding the mouse button down. Release the mouse on the folder named Start. In our example, enter the date and time of the October 28, 2016 at 10: and 10h and click OK. Note that the activity, Wait until (x) to (y) is part of the campaign. This activity is therefore functional as soon as the campaign is activated. It is not a wait function to activate the campaign. The wait is therefore in process and the leads are already treated and ready to go on the server. If you disable this campaign before the date and time provided for the activity "Wait until", please contact us to cancel otherwise your emails will be sent anyway.

3. Open the Decision folder. Click Lead and select the decision Lead field (x) contains (y). Drag the decision to the left on the activity Wait until (x) to (y).  Inour example, we enter Display language = English and click OK.


Decisions available in PUBLITRACImage Removed

Decisions based on the interactions of your leads with your emails.

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Decisions based on the status of your leads in your CRM(should be synchronized with PUBLITRAC).

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Decisions based on the profile of your leads in PUBLITRAC

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Decisions based on the interactions of your leads with your site.

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Decisions based on the automation of the system

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  • If you use the activity "Wait" in a campaign and you make a correction to the email attached to this campaign, the corrections will be applied to the email even if your corrections are made after the activation of the campaign and before the mailing date of the email scheduled in the campaign. Even if the campaign has already rolled and is waiting on the sending mailing server, the email is not attached to the mailing until the set mailing time. So you can make corrections as long as they are made before the date and time scheduled for the sending.

  • Configure automated punctual campaigns (run only once), indefinitecampaigns (executed continuously and automatically on all new lead added to your database) or deferred campaigns, campaigns executed on a listor a triggeras a result of an action of a lead  a lead's action on your digital assets.

  • You can prepare a campaign, but not Activate activate it (you click on Save, without clicking on enableActivate). This allows to have your campaign validated by another member of the team, to finish it at a later date, or to choose to activate it manually. When the campaign is activated, it is automatically supported and treated by PUBLITRAC.

  • You can create your own categories that will be added below the default categories. Note that whenever a list is imported, the name of the list is displayed in the drop-down menu. To understand how to add or remove categories, go under Settings (gear wheels), section Configuration / Configure types or categories Types Configuration

  • The affected Affected leads are the leads present in the list attached to the campaign or the trigger on which the campaign is based. Following the analysis of these leads, PUBLITRAC gives you the number of valid emails to whom the campaign can be launched. The affected leads are displayed before the activation of the campaign. Once the campaign is activated and completed, the affected leads fall to 0.


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  • Leads treatedProcessed are the total leads on which the campaign was run. Including valid and invalid. So all the existing leads in the account on which the campaign rolls and sees whether to send an email or not. If the number of leads processed is less the number of assigned leads, leads have been removed from the database. In the example below, we see 221 738 leads treated compared to 221 743 leads that will be affected by the campaign. There is a difference of 5 leads treated compared to the affected leads. So these 5 missing treated leads were removed from the database before the final mailing.


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  • For the activity Send alert {y} to {x}, certain restrictions are integrated in PUBLITRAC for the  recipient’s alert email. Some email addresses being more prone to spam or black list problems, the following email prefixes are blocked for this activity:
