Comparaison des versions


  • Ces lignes ont été ajoutées. Ce mot a été ajouté.
  • Ces lignes ont été supprimées. Ce mot a été supprimé.
  • La mise en forme a été modifiée.


    1. At the recipient level.
      You may adapt the content of your email based on your lead's socio-demographic profile (attributes), but also on his history (past behaviors your lead has had with your digital assets) and on his specific interests (custom fields). 

    2. At the sender level. 
      The email will be sent through PUBLITRAC, however the sender can be customized with any name and email you choose. For example, the email could be sent on behalf of a sales representative, a branch director, or even from a franchisee itself. You may also customize your email signature by adding in the name, contact information and photo of the sales representative. The responses to the email will be sent directly to the sales representative's inbox who can then take over of the follow-up with the customer.

    3. At the content level.
      With the dynamic content functionality, the content displayed will adapt based on the lead's profile.


Cross-selling: select all the buyers of product X and automatically re-target them with a complementary product offer (for example, offer filters to customers who have bought a coffee maker).

  • When sending out invoices, take the opportunity to request the coordinates of your participants, including their email address, and their approval to receive emails or other forms of communication (to comply with Bill C-28). You will thus add new leads to your database.
  • Analyze the most popular links on your website, and send your emails at the moment (day and time) at which your lead is most likely to consult it,..., these are all ways that will help you optimize your use of PUBLITRAC.
  • The strength of PUBLITRAC’s profiling tool is that it allows to profile individuals, and not just IP addresses. Once your data is centralized, any new interaction of your leads on your digital assets will enhance the profile of these leads.