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Modifying a lead

Additional lead fields can be populated by double-clicking on the new lead and filling out the needed fields in the lead detail form.

Information section

Lead score: Number given to a lead that represents the chance to make a conversion

Sales rep: Sales representative attached to this lead

Status: Active or Inactive

Is Customer: If the lead is a customer

Lead/Customer attributes section

Gender: Male or Female

Job Title: Title of the lead

Mailing address: Address where to send information to


State/Province: Initial of the provinces/states


Postal Code

Phone: Phone number where to reach the lead

Mobile Phone: Cell phone number where to reach the lead

Fax: Fax number where to send information to

Email: Lead’s email that is used to reach him/her

Department: Lead’s department in the company

Date of Birth


Other phone: Other phone, like mobile phone, where the lead can be reach

Customer Id: Number given by PUBLITRAC to your lead

Do Not Call


Unsubscribe Reason

Email Invalid


Suspended Reason



Banner name

PO Box

Callback: Set the date to call back your lead

Company section

Company: Company name

Number of employees: Number of employees in the company

Website: Website of the company

Revenue: Revenue of the company

Activity Sector: Sector of activity of the company

Sub Activity Sector

Notes section

1. Double-click on the desired lead.

2. Add all relevant information.

3. Use the Search Linkedin® button to look for information about your lead on LinkedIn®.

4. Use the Search Jigsaw® button to look for information about your lead on Jigsaw®.

5.Click Save button.




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