POST {url}/localtrac/store-locator/registerWebhook | |
This route register the webhook URL of client’s site. Each time, location has some update (except update via api by user with ROLE_STORE_LOCATOR), LOCALTRAC will send POST request to provided URL, sending “secret” parameter equals md5(“webhookSalt”). LOCALTRAC doesn’t send changed fields or the list of changed locations. It’s just a signal that some location(s) was updated. You may use GET “store-locator/locations” route and compare “lastUpdated” to know what location was updated. | |
Request | |
Headers | |
Authorization | <token> obtained during the Authentication |
Accept | application/json |
Body (Example) | |
{ "businessUuid":"{businessUuid}", "webhookUrl":"", "webhookSalt": "very_secure_string_to_be_md5_encoded" } | |
businessUuid | Uuid of the business to register webhook. Store locator should be enabled for this business. |
webhookUrl | URL on clients server/website to be called when location is updated. |
webhookSalt | Random string that would be md5 encoded and passed with POST as “secret” parameter. |
Response (200) - Success | |
Headers | |
Content-Type | application/json |
Body | |
{ "success": true } | |
Response(400) - Validation ErrorThis scenario happens if you sent any content who fails the minimum validation process. For instance, failing to provide businessUuid will lead to the following result | |
Headers | |
Content-Type | application/json |
Body | |
{ "message": "Provided data contains error(s). See each entry in [errors]", "errors": { "businessUuid": "This field is missing." } } | |
Response (403) - Forbidden accessThis scenario happens if you sent non-existing businessUuid (or Store Localtor is not enabled for this business). | |
Content-Type | application/json |
Body | |
{ "message": "You do not have the required permission to alter this resource: business({businessUuid})" } |
GET {url}/localtrac/store-locator/locations/{businessUuid} | |
This route will return the list locations for provided business, including all information about location. | |
Request | |
Headers | |
Authorization | <token> obtained during the Authentication |
Accept | application/json |
Response (200) - Success | |
Headers | |
Content-Type | application/json |
Body | |
{ "data": { "89ba4184-d719-3d73-8040-bb88ca96b17a": { "uuid": "89ba4184-d719-3d73-8040-bb88ca96b17a", "active": true, "lastUpdated": "2020-09-11T22:17:42+00:00", "urls": { "website": "http:\/\/Monahan%2C+Wilkinson+and+Cummings+%23569", "facebook": "https:\/\/\/367317859940", "twitter": "https:\/\/\/256463839911", "linkedin": "https:\/\/\/553707002725", "instagram": "https:\/\/\/myloftssalonstudios\/544984617286", "googleMaps": "https:\/\/\/maps?cid=909164724356", "youtube": "https:\/\/\/channel\/6873259932", "pinterest": "https:\/\/\/piscinestrevi\/203962133720", "tripadvisor": "https:\/\/\/75491159252" }, "payments": { "cash": true, "interact": true, "visa": true, "masterCard": true, "americanExpress": true, "payPass": true }, "name": { "en": "Monahan, Wilkinson and Cummings #569", "fr": "Publitech testing - Public Api122223213213" }, "description": { "en": "44444", "fr": "Description de l'entrepriseDescription de l'entrepriseDescription - Public 444444" }, "communication": { "contactEmail": "", "primaryPhone": "+380 769-2511", "secondaryPhones": [ "", "" ], "fax": "1-846-209-7668" }, "storeCode": "DM5171R3IP8PZ1GK5RHSB742", "locale": "en-gb", "address": { "address1": "22 main street - Public Api", "address2": "", "city": "Lachine", "state": "40", "country": "CA", "zipcode": "12345", "lat": "-20.093785", "long": "-9.456042" }, "storeLocator": { "tags": [], "categories": [], "images": [] }, "schedules": { "sunday": [ { "start": "00:00", "end": "03:00" }, { "start": "11:00", "end": "24:00" } ], "monday": [ { "start": "00:00", "end": "03:00" }, { "start": "11:00", "end": "24:00" } ], "tuesday": [ { "start": "00:00", "end": "03:00" }, { "start": "11:00", "end": "24:00" } ], "wednesday": [ { "start": "00:00", "end": "03:00" }, { "start": "11:00", "end": "24:00" } ], "thursday": [ { "start": "00:00", "end": "03:00" }, { "start": "11:00", "end": "24:00" } ], "friday": [ { "start": "00:00", "end": "03:00" }, { "start": "11:00", "end": "24:00" } ], "saturday": [ { "start": "00:00", "end": "03:00" }, { "start": "11:00", "end": "24:00" } ] }, "scheduleExceptions": { "2021-07-29": [ { "start": "09:00", "end": "19:00" } ], "2021-08-08": [ { "start": "00:00", "end": "16:00" } ], "2021-09-09": [ { "start": "02:00", "end": "16:00" } ] }, "averageRating": 0 }, <...> } | |
data | Array of locations |
data[0].uuid | LOCALTRAC unique identifier (uuid) of the location. This is the uuid you should use for any further request associated with the location. |
data[0].active | Boolean value representing the status of the location, true for active and false for inactive. When a location is set as inactive, it is not monitored within any directories. |
data[0].lastUpdated | Timestamp of the last update on any location’s field |
data[0].urls | An associative array for websites and social media URLs. Supported keys:
data[0].payments | An associative array of payment methods. The value is a Boolean, true when payment method is accepted or false when it’s not. Supported keys:
data[0].name | Array of all the location name translations. Each row of the sub array is an associative value of <language> : <name>. Keep in mind, this route returns “store locator name” if it’s not empty. If it’s empty, it returns general “name” of location. |
data[0].description | Array of all the location descriptions. Each row of the sub array is an associative value of <language> : <description>. |
data[0].communication | An associative array for the location contact information. Supported keys:
data[0].storeCode | External id given by the client when the location was created or when imported in LOCALTRAC from a directory. |
data[0].locale | Locale of the location. (specified upon creation and used with different directories). |
data[0].address | Array containing the full address. Keep in mind, this route returns “store locator address line 1/2” if it’s not empty. If it’s empty, it returns general “address” of location. |
data[0].storeLocator | An associative array for the location store locator related information. Supported keys:
data[0].schedules | Array of the location’s regular opening hours. |
data[0].scheduleExceptions | Array of the location’s schedule exceptions |
data[0].averageRating | Average Google rating for the current year for this location. |
Response (403) - Forbidden access | |
Headers | |
Content-Type | application/json |
Body | |
{ "message": "You do not have the required permission to obtain this resource: business({businessUuid})" } |
GET {url}/localtrac/store-locator/businessTags/{businessUuid} | |
This route will return the list of Store Locator tags, associated to business | |
Request | |
Headers | |
Authorization | <token> obtained during the Authentication |
Accept | application/json |
Response (200) - Success | |
Headers | |
Content-Type | application/json |
Body | |
[ { "uuid": "44e8eb5d-f9fc-4f43-91cb-25c342e1639c", "translations": { "en": "Mregos EN estados trutos", "fr": "Mother of the french universe! Gaspésie– Îles-de-la-Madeleine" }, "slug": { "en": "mregos-en-estados-trutos", "fr": "mother-of-the-french-universe!-gaspesie--iles-de-la-madeleine" } }, <...> ] | |
uuid | LOCALTRAC unique identifier (uuid) of the tag. This is the uuid you should use for any further request to update tag. |
translations | An array of translations of the name of the tag. For the moment only “en” and “fr” languages are supported. Languages are optional (tag can have only one language). |
translations.en | English translation of the name | | French translation of the name |
slug | An array of slug for the translations of the name of the tag. (automatically generated on insert/update of the tag). |
slug.en | Slug for English translation | | Slug for French translation |
Response (403) - Forbidden access | |
Headers | |
Content-Type | application/json |
Body | |
{ "message": "You do not have the required permission to obtain this resource: business({businessUuid})" } |
POST {url}/localtrac/store-locator/businessTags/{businessUuid} | |
This route will set the list of Store Locator tags, associated to business. (It will clear all the previous data and save the provided list) | |
Request | |
Headers | |
Authorization | <token> obtained during the Authentication |
Accept | application/json |
Body (Example) | |
{ "tags": [ { "uuid": "9618d518-e5e5-4c40-ada2-9237dbb10ada", "translations": { "en": "This tag will be updated (uuid stays the same)" } }, { "translations": { "en": "This tag will be created and will have two languages", "fr": "Mother of the french universe! Gaspésie– Îles-de-la-Madeleine" } } ] } | |
tags | Array of tags to save |
tags[0].uuid (optional) | Uuid of the tag, received from GET route. If provided, tag will be updated (translations will change, uuid stays the same). |
tags[0].translations | Array of translations of the tag. Only “en” and “fr” are supported now. |
tags[0].translations.en (optional) | English translation of the name |
tags[0] (optional) | French translation of the name |
Response (200) - Success | |
Headers | |
Content-Type | application/json |
Body | |
{ "success": true } | |
Response(400) - Validation ErrorThis scenario happens if you sent any content who fails the minimum validation process. For instance, failing to provide translations will lead to the following result | |
Headers | |
Content-Type | application/json |
Body | |
{ "message": "Provided data contains error(s). See each entry in [errors]", "errors": { "tags.0.translations": "This field is missing." } } | |
Response (403) - Forbidden accessThis scenario happens if you sent non-existing uuid of the tag | |
Headers | |
Content-Type | application/json |
Body | |
{ "message": "You do not have the required permission to alter this resource" } | |
Response (403) - Forbidden accessThis scenario happens if you sent non-existing businessUuid | |
Content-Type | application/json |
Body | |
{ "message": "You do not have the required permission to alter this resource: business({businessUuid})" } |
POST {url}/localtrac/store-locator/businessTags/{businessUuid}/add | |
This route will add tag to business and associate it to location (if provided). | |
Request | |
Headers | |
Authorization | <token> obtained during the Authentication |
Accept | application/json |
Body (Example) | |
{ "locationUuid": "{locationUuid}", "translations": { "en": "Hawaii", "fr": "Gaspésie Îles de la Madeleine" } } | |
locationUuid (optional) | Uuid of location. Newly created tag will be associated to provided location. |
translations | Array of translations of the tag. Only “en” and “fr” are supported now. |
translations.en (optional) | English translation of the name | (optional) | French translation of the name |
Response (200) - Success | |
Headers | |
Content-Type | application/json |
Body | |
{ "uuid": "df1cdf5c-f233-4b2c-b787-775db8f0d9e1" } | |
uuid | LOCALTRAC unique identifier (uuid) of the tag. This is the uuid you should use for any further request to update tag or associate it to locations. |
Response(400) - Validation ErrorThis scenario happens if you sent any content who fails the minimum validation process. For instance, failing to provide translations will lead to the following result | |
Headers | |
Content-Type | application/json |
Body | |
{ "message": "Provided data contains error(s). See each entry in [errors]", "errors": { "translations": "This field is missing." } } | |
Response (403) - Forbidden accessThis scenario happens if you sent non-existing businessUuid or locationUuid | |
Content-Type | application/json |
Body | |
{ "message": "You do not have the required permission to alter this resource: location({locationUuid})" } |
GET {url}/localtrac/store-locator/locationTags/{locationUuid} | |
This route will return the list of Store Locator tags, associated to location | |
Request | |
Headers | |
Authorization | <token> obtained during the Authentication |
Accept | application/json |
Response (200) - Success | |
Headers | |
Content-Type | application/json |
Body | |
[ { "uuid": "44e8eb5d-f9fc-4f43-91cb-25c342e1639c", "translations": { "en": "Mregos EN estados trutos", "fr": "Mother of the french universe! Gaspésie– Îles-de-la-Madeleine" }, "slug": { "en": "mregos-en-estados-trutos", "fr": "mother-of-the-french-universe!-gaspesie--iles-de-la-madeleine" } }, <...> ] | |
uuid | LOCALTRAC unique identifier (uuid) of the tag. This is the uuid you should use for any further request to update tag. |
translations | An array of translations of the name of the tag. For the moment only “en” and “fr” languages are supported. Languages are optional (tag can have only one language). |
translations.en | English translation of the name | | French translation of the name |
slug | An array of slug for the translations of the name of the tag. (automatically generated on insert/update of the tag). |
slug.en | Slug for English translation | | Slug for French translation |
Response (403) - Forbidden access | |
Headers | |
Content-Type | application/json |
Body | |
{ "message": "You do not have the required permission to obtain this resource: location({locationUuid})" } |
POST {url}/localtrac/store-locator/locationTags/{locationUuid} | |
This route will set the list of Store Locator tags, associated to location. (It will clear all the previous data and save the provided list) | |
Request | |
Headers | |
Authorization | <token> obtained during the Authentication |
Accept | application/json |
Body (Example) | |
{ "tags": [ { "uuid": "b38b8d6e-2f70-490a-89ba-431410d44016" }, <...> ] } | |
tags | Array of tags to associate to location |
tags[0].uuid | Uuid of the tag, to associate. |
Response (200) - Success | |
Headers | |
Content-Type | application/json |
Body | |
{ "success": true } | |
Response(400) - Validation ErrorThis scenario happens if you sent any content who fails the minimum validation process. For instance, typo in parameter name will lead to the following result | |
Headers | |
Content-Type | application/json |
Body | |
{ "message": "Provided data contains error(s). See each entry in [errors]", "errors": { "tags.0.uuid": "This field is missing.", "tags.0.1uid": "This field was not expected." } } | |
Response (403) - Forbidden accessThis scenario happens if you sent non-existing uuid of the tag | |
Headers | |
Content-Type | application/json |
Body | |
{ "message": "You do not have the required permission to alter this resource" } | |
Response (403) - Forbidden accessThis scenario happens if you sent non-existing locationUuid | |
Content-Type | application/json |
Body | |
{ "message": "You do not have the required permission to alter this resource: location({locationUuid})" } |
GET {url}/localtrac/store-locator/businessCategories/{businessUuid} | |
This route will return the list of Store Locator categories, associated to business | |
Request | |
Headers | |
Authorization | <token> obtained during the Authentication |
Accept | application/json |
Response (200) - Success | |
Headers | |
Content-Type | application/json |
Body | |
[ { "uuid": "44e8eb5d-f9fc-4f43-91cb-25c342e1639c", "translations": { "en": "Mregos EN estados trutos", "fr": "Mother of the french universe! Gaspésie– Îles-de-la-Madeleine" }, "slug": { "en": "mregos-en-estados-trutos", "fr": "mother-of-the-french-universe!-gaspesie--iles-de-la-madeleine" } }, <...> ] | |
uuid | LOCALTRAC unique identifier (uuid) of the category. This is the uuid you should use for any further request to update category. |
translations | An array of translations of the name of the category. For the moment only “en” and “fr” languages are supported. Languages are optional (category can have only one language). |
translations.en | English translation of the name | | French translation of the name |
slug | An array of slug for the translations of the name of the category. (automatically generated on insert/update of the category). |
slug.en | Slug for English translation |
Slug for French translation | |
Response (403) - Forbidden access | |
Headers | |
Content-Type | application/json |
Body | |
{ "message": "You do not have the required permission to obtain this resource: business({businessUuid})" } |
POST {url}/localtrac/store-locator/businessCategories/{businessUuid} | |
This route will set the list of Store Locator categories, associated to business. (It will clear all the previous data and save the provided list) | |
Request | |
Headers | |
Authorization | <token> obtained during the Authentication |
Accept | application/json |
Body (Example) | |
{ "categories": [ { "uuid": "9618d518-e5e5-4c40-ada2-9237dbb10ada", "translations": { "en": "This category will be updated (uuid stays the same)" } }, { "translations": { "en": "This category will be created and will have two languages", "fr": "Mother of the french universe! Gaspésie– Îles-de-la-Madeleine" } } ] } | |
categories | Array of categories to save |
categories[0].uuid (optional) | Uuid of the category, received from GET route. If provided, category will be updated (translations will change, uuid stays the same). |
categories[0].translations | Array of translations of the category. Only “en” and “fr” are supported now. |
categories[0].translations.en (optional) | English translation of the name |
categories[0] (optional) | French translation of the name |
Response (200) - Success | |
Headers | |
Content-Type | application/json |
Body | |
{ "success": true } | |
Response(400) - Validation ErrorThis scenario happens if you sent any content who fails the minimum validation process. For instance, failing to provide translations will lead to the following result | |
Headers | |
Content-Type | application/json |
Body | |
{ "message": "Provided data contains error(s). See each entry in [errors]", "errors": { "categories.0.translations": "This field is missing." } } | |
Response (403) - Forbidden accessThis scenario happens if you sent non-existing uuid of the category | |
Headers | |
Content-Type | application/json |
Body | |
{ "message": "You do not have the required permission to alter this resource" } | |
Response (403) - Forbidden accessThis scenario happens if you sent non-existing businessUuid | |
Content-Type | application/json |
Body | |
{ "message": "You do not have the required permission to alter this resource: business({businessUuid})" } |
POST {url}/localtrac/store-locator/businessCategories/{businessUuid}/add | |
This route will add category to business and associate it to location (if provided). | |
Request | |
Headers | |
Authorization | <token> obtained during the Authentication |
Accept | application/json |
Body (Example) | |
{ "locationUuid": "{locationUuid}", "translations": { "en": "Hawaii", "fr": "Gaspésie Îles de la Madeleine" } } | |
locationUuid (optional) | Uuid of location. Newly created category will be associated to provided location. |
translations | Array of translations of the categories. Only “en” and “fr” are supported now. |
translations.en (optional) | English translation of the name | (optional) | French translation of the name |
Response (200) - Success | |
Headers | |
Content-Type | application/json |
Body | |
{ "uuid": "df1cdf5c-f233-4b2c-b787-775db8f0d9e1" } | |
uuid | LOCALTRAC unique identifier (uuid) of the category. This is the uuid you should use for any further request to update category or associate it to locations. |
Response(400) - Validation ErrorThis scenario happens if you sent any content who fails the minimum validation process. For instance, failing to provide translations will lead to the following result | |
Headers | |
Content-Type | application/json |
Body | |
{ "message": "Provided data contains error(s). See each entry in [errors]", "errors": { "translations": "This field is missing." } } | |
Response (403) - Forbidden accessThis scenario happens if you sent non-existing businessUuid or locationUuid | |
Content-Type | application/json |
Body | |
{ "message": "You do not have the required permission to alter this resource: location({locationUuid})" } |
GET {url}/localtrac/store-locator/locationCategories/{locationUuid} | |
This route will return the list of Store Locator categories, associated to location | |
Request | |
Headers | |
Authorization | <token> obtained during the Authentication |
Accept | application/json |
Response (200) - Success | |
Headers | |
Content-Type | application/json |
Body | |
[ { "uuid": "44e8eb5d-f9fc-4f43-91cb-25c342e1639c", "translations": { "en": "Mregos EN estados trutos", "fr": "Mother of the french universe! Gaspésie– Îles-de-la-Madeleine" }, "slug": { "en": "mregos-en-estados-trutos", "fr": "mother-of-the-french-universe!-gaspesie--iles-de-la-madeleine" } }, <...> ] | |
uuid | LOCALTRAC unique identifier (uuid) of the category. This is the uuid you should use for any further request to update category or associate it to locations. |
translations | An array of translations of the name of the category. For the moment only “en” and “fr” languages are supported. Languages are optional (category can have only one language). |
translations.en | English translation of the name | | French translation of the name |
slug | An array of slug for the translations of the name of the category. (automatically generated on insert/update of the category). |
slug.en | Slug for English translation | | Slug for French translation |
Response (403) - Forbidden access | |
Headers | |
Content-Type | application/json |
Body | |
{ "message": "You do not have the required permission to obtain this resource: location({locationUuid})" } |
POST {url}/localtrac/store-locator/locationCategories/{locationUuid} | |
This route will set the list of Store Locator categories, associated to location. (It will clear all the previous data and save the provided list) | |
Request | |
Headers | |
Authorization | <token> obtained during the Authentication |
Accept | application/json |
Body (Example) | |
{ "categories": [ { "uuid": "b38b8d6e-2f70-490a-89ba-431410d44016" }, <...> ] } | |
categories | Array of categories associate to location |
categories[0].uuid | Uuid of the category, to associate. |
Response (200) - Success | |
Headers | |
Content-Type | application/json |
Body | |
{ "success": true } | |
Response(400) - Validation ErrorThis scenario happens if you sent any content who fails the minimum validation process. For instance, typo in parameter name will lead to the following result | |
Headers | |
Content-Type | application/json |
Body | |
{ "message": "Provided data contains error(s). See each entry in [errors]", "errors": { "categories.0.uuid": "This field is missing.", "categories.0.1uid": "This field was not expected." } } | |
Response (403) - Forbidden accessThis scenario happens if you sent non-existing uuid of the category | |
Headers | |
Content-Type | application/json |
Body | |
{ "message": "You do not have the required permission to alter this resource" } | |
Response (403) - Forbidden accessThis scenario happens if you sent non-existing locationUuid | |
Content-Type | application/json |
Body | |
{ "message": "You do not have the required permission to alter this resource: location({locationUuid})" } |
GET {url}/localtrac/store-locator/image/{locationUuid} | |
This route will return the list of Store Locator images, associated to location | |
Request | |
Headers | |
Authorization | <token> obtained during the Authentication |
Accept | application/json |
Response (200) - Success | |
Headers | |
Content-Type | application/json |
Body | |
[ { "uuid": "2c0330bc-3165-4778-bbe0-a1fdd0c5c743", "url": "https:\/\/\/images\/branding\/googlelogo\/2x\/googlelogo_color_272x92dp.png", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/\/images\/branding\/googlelogo\/2x\/googlelogo_color_272x92dp.png", "mime": "image\/png", "description": "", "createdAt": "2020-09-10 14:24:16" }, <...> ] | |
uuid | LOCALTRAC unique identifier (uuid) of the store locator image for this location. |
url | Url to original image |
thumbnail | Url to resized image (95x95 thumbnail). |
mime | Image mime type |
description | Image description |
createdAt | Timestamp |
Response (403) - Forbidden access | |
Headers | |
Content-Type | application/json |
Body | |
{ "message": "You do not have the required permission to obtain this resource: location({locationUuid})" } |
PUT {url}/localtrac/store-locator/image | |
This route will assign an image to location as store locator image | |
Request | |
Headers | |
Authorization | <token> obtained during the Authentication |
Accept | application/json |
Body (Example) | |
{ "image_uuid": "{imageUuid}", "location_uuid": "{locationUuid}", "description": "xxx" } | |
image_uuid | Uuid of image |
location_uuid | Uuid of location |
description | Image description |
Response (200) - Success | |
Headers | |
Content-Type | application/json |
Body | |
{ "uuid": "763ef130-8b36-42ea-84a3-7d297cbc1fe6", "url": "https:\/\/\/images\/branding\/googlelogo\/2x\/googlelogo_color_272x92dp.png", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/\/images\/branding\/googlelogo\/2x\/googlelogo_color_272x92dp.png", } | |
uuid | LOCALTRAC unique identifier (uuid) of the store locator image. |
url | Url to original image |
thumbnail | Url to resized image (95x95 thumbnail). |
Response(400) - Validation ErrorThis scenario happens if you sent any content who fails the minimum validation process. For instance, typo in parameter name will lead to the following result | |
Headers | |
Content-Type | application/json |
Body | |
{ "message": "Provided data contains error(s). See each entry in [errors]", "errors": { "image_uuid": "This field is missing.", "ima1ge_uuid": "This field was not expected." } } | |
Response (403) - Forbidden accessThis scenario happens if you sent non-existing image_uuid | |
Content-Type | application/json |
Body | |
{ "message": "You do not have the required permission to alter this resource: image({image_uuid})" } |
DELETE {url}/localtrac/store-locator/image/{imageUuid} | |
This route will delete store locator image. | |
Request | |
Headers | |
Authorization | <token> obtained during the Authentication |
Accept | application/json |
Response (200) - Success | |
Headers | |
Content-Type | application/json |
Body | |
{ "success": true } | |
Response (403) - Forbidden accessThis scenario happens if you sent non-existing imageUuid | |
Content-Type | application/json |
Body | |
{ "message": "You do not have the required permission to delete this resource: storeLocatorImage({imageUuid})" } |
GET {url}/localtrac/store-locator/{locationUuid}/fields | |
This route will return the list of Store Locator fields, associated to location. For the moment, only “externalId” is supported as a custom field. | |
Request | |
Headers | |
Authorization | <token> obtained during the Authentication |
Accept | application/json |
Response (200) - Success | |
Headers | |
Content-Type | application/json |
Body | |
{ "externalId": "some_custom_external_id" } | |
Response (403) - Forbidden access | |
Headers | |
Content-Type | application/json |
Body | |
{ "message": "You do not have the required permission to obtain this resource: location({locationUuid})" } |