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PUBLITRAC Overview presents an overview of the main features of PUBLITRAC. Once this overview is completed, it is recommended to read the different articles from our center for a more in-depth view of each feature of our platform.

Note : the images presented in this overview come from our demo account and the statistics presented are fictional. If you want to see real data, login to your PUBLITRAC account and follow the steps below. Your screen will then display actual results from your PUBLITRAC account. Good overview!

Dashboard tab

The first screen that will appear when you access PUBLITRAC will be the dashboard. Statistics from your marketing campaigns are displayed on this screen. These statistics are cumulative and improve the marketing profiles of your database as actions are carried out by individuals (leads) on your digital assets.

What makes the particularity of PUBLITRAC is that these statistics are all associated with individuals who have had interactions with your digital assets (Unlike Google Analytics, which presents 'anonymous' statistics from of IP addresses). Your campaigns will address individuals on who you will have accumulated information based on their history (past behavior on your digital assets), their attributes (socio-demo profile,...) and their specific interests (custom fields).

Various reports are available to track the status of your campaigns or the results of the emails which were sent out. You can add, move, or delete the tables you want, depending on the choice of dates you want. If you add, move, or delete a table, note that this change will be valid only for the current session.

Leads tab (profiling)

The first step when launching a campaign is to generate lists from the profiles contained in PUBLITRAC (page Details lead) by targeting the history (past behaviors of leads on your digital assets), attributes (socio-demo profile,...) and the specific interests (custom fields) you want. Our lead management tool enables the creation of lists, focusing strictly on targeted interactions for all the profiles contained in your database.

  1. Navigate to the Leads tab.

We remind you that the images presented in this overview come from our demo account and that you must choose a lead from your account or email if you want to reproduce these steps.

2.Select Leads/Customers.

3.Click Add.


The screen displaying below will enable the creation of a new list.


4. Select List management
5. Click Add

The screen below appears. 


6. Select Create a segment
The screen below appears. You can select a filter containing values sought for your lead. These values come from the Lead Details page containing all the information aggregated on your lead. Note that this information is 'live', which means that they improve as the lead will do actions on your digital assets. Our list segmentation tool displays the filters and allows you to easily select from the button Add a filter.

7. Name your Segment.
8. Click Add a filter. 
Available filters are, in order, the customer attributes, custom fields, the history of the lead and a section. Here is the complete list. Custom fields are empty on this list because they are specific to your account.

 9.   In our example, we click on the  to open the drop down menu and look for the section Lead/customer attributes.  
10. Then the attribute Gender has been selected.
11. We have identified Female as the gender. 

You can also add a filter that will take into account the history (past behaviors) of your lead (last visited, web page visited, e-mail clicked,...). 
12. Click Add a filter. 
13. In our example, we will add a History filter allowing us to follow a past behavior of the lead. Click on the  to open the drop-down menu and look for the Lead History section. Click Web page visited. 
14. Then we select the en /blog page (the web page /en/blog will be followed).

In addition, PUBLITRAC allows you to filter based on the interests of your leads from the option Custom fields (interest for coffee, Auto color,...).

15. Click on Add a filter.
16. Click on the  to open the drop-down menu and look for the section Custom fields. Select, Interest for. This field is just as an example. Being a custom field, this one is specific to our demo account.
17. Select the interest Coffee.
18. Click on Save. 
To learn more about our List management tool, we invite you to consult the 2-Lead / list management section on our support center.

Content tab (customization)

We will now address how to talk to your segments, mainly using e-mails. The strength of PUBLITRAC is that it allows to adapt your content according to the history (past behaviors on your digital assets), attributes (socio-demo profile,...) and specific interests (custom fields) of each of your leads, thus offering a personalized and enjoyable customer experience.

The names of the emails on these images come from our demo account and you must choose an email from your own account if you wish to reproduce these steps.

1. Navigate to Content.
2. Select Email.
3. In our example, we select the French Support email. 


The screen that appears shows the selected email and the interface allowing the manipulation and modification of your emails (enlarge an image, remove text...). You can import your own template.
What makes our email tool powerful are the three levels of customization:
4. Customization at the level of the recipient of the email (through information contained in the Lead Details page:customer attributes (socio-demo profile), history and custom fields). Click on Tags to customize the email with all the information contained in the filter.


5. Customization at the level of the sender of the email. The email will be powered by PUBLITRAC, but the sender address can be customized in the name of any person you want, or even on behalf of the salesperson if you check Send on behalf the sales representative. In addition, PUBLITRAC allows you to add the name, photo,... of the salesperson, by inserting special links. Responses to the email will go directly to the Inbox of the salesperson or any other designated person.


6. Customization at the level of the content from the Dynamic content


       7. On the content tab, click on Dynamic content

8. Select for example product man, product woman Promotion...
9. Select Configure your content 

In our example, we configured three contents:              

  • Content/product man (razor for men)
  • Content/product woman (razor for women)
  • Content/product neutral (balloons). Will be displayed when the gender of our contact is not known.

10. Click on  of the Product A section for men.
11. Select Preview.


A man will see a man's razor

A woman will see a razor for women 
An individual whose gender is unknown will see balloons 
The image-text format, or text only or image only can be changed according to your needs.
Dynamic content applies to e-mails.
Our Content section also contains other useful tools. To learn more about our Content section, we invite you to consult the 3 - content section of our support center. 

Campaign tab (automation) 

1.Navigate to Campaigns.

2.Select Configure automation campaign.

3.Click Add to automate a new campaign. 

In our example, we will configure an email campaign (send a newsletter by email).

4. Write the name of your campaign (ex: Newsletter) in the Campaign Name field.

5. Select the desired category (ex: email) in the Category field.

6. Click Next

    The screen below appears.

PUBLITRAC allows to trigger campaigns in two ways:

    • either by using lists
    • or by using triggers (a trigger allows the start of a marketing campaign after an action of a person. For example, by configuring a trigger for a Form completed type, as soon as a form will be submitted, PUBLITRAC will automatically trigger a campaign).

In our example, we will pick Lists.

7. Click on Lists.

8. For the purpose of our example, we will select list '(342) Achat de groupe: TEST & N + fr '.

9. Click Next (you can select one or several lists at the same time). The individuals present on these selected lists will receive our campaign.

The screen displayed below shows the number of leads that will receive the campaign.

In our example, the campaign will be executed on the '(342) Achat de groupe TEST & N + -fr' list and will affect 0 leads, because the list is empty.
In the case of a real campaign, the exact figure of the number of people in the list will be displayed.

We now configure the sending of the newsletter.


10. Click Automation.

11. Open the Activities tab.

12. Select send email {x} and slide to the left (on Start)).

13. Select an email (French Support email) and click OK.

14. Come back to the Details tab.

15. Click Activate.

16. Click Save.

The sending of the email will be activated.

PUBLITRAC enables a lot more.

We could decide to wait until Friday at 1:00 AM (drag activity wait until {x} to {y} ).

Then, wait 3 days (drag activity wait for {x} days).

We could then look at who read my email (drag decision {x} Email read) and in the event that the email was not read, redo a mailing (drag the activity send email {x} and select an email). 

1. Go to the Campaigns tab and click on Configure automation campaign

2. Select the  list '(342) Achat de groupe: TEST & N + fr '

    The screen below appears.

3. Click on the Automation tab

4. Choose activities from the Activities folder at the right of the screen and drag them to the left under the Start folder.

We could also look to see if the person has clicked a link in an email, filled out a form on the website, visited a page in particular, etc.

PUBLITRAC allows you to send the right message to the right person, at the right time. 

Analysis tab

As the last step of your overview of PUBLITRAC, we invite you to go on the Analysis tab.

1. In the Analysis menu, click Performance reports.
2. Go to Performance content and stop on Performance by email.
3. Click Summary.


The next screen will display statistics on performance by email.

4. We select and click the QA-test view online email.

The information displayed at this point, provides basic email statistics: the number of emails sent, received, opened, clicked, unsubscribed and bounced (statistics in blue can be clicked). 

At this point, nothing differentiates PUBLITRAC from an email sending platform.

5. We then click the statistic 0.06% of all recipients opened so far (4 people).

PUBLITRAC displays a list of the four people who opened the email so far.

6. Subsequently, we click on Name645. 

The screen below  is displayed. We get a detailed view of his profile.

7. Click on Activities, to see the complete historical profile of Name645: his web visits, links clicked, submitted forms, etc.
The information displayed in Name645`s profile, comes from information resulting from his digital actions following marketing campaigns (completed forms, contests,...) as well as specific information contained in any other enterprise system (CRM, loyalty cards, other databases). PUBLITRAC, through an open API, allows you to import data from your other enterprise systems. 
The new interactions of this lead will be added and integrated to his profile as time goes on. 


To learn more about our Analysis and Available Reports section, we invite you to consult the  Analysis section on our support center.
This completes our overview of PUBLITRAC.
We recommend that you read the articles presented in our center for an in-depth view of each feature. 

Good navigation! 

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