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With PUBLITRAC, it is possible to create an alert for lead scoring.

1)      Under the menu Lead Management, select the sub-menu Lead Scoring.

2)      Click on the Scoring alerts tab.

3)      Use the  icon to define a new alert.

4)      Enter the information regarding this new alert: enter an email address and the type of alert you wish to activate.

5)      You can also choose to assign the alert to the sales team, or check the box Notify sales representative and select the sales rep you wish to send the alert to.

6)      Configure the lead score that needs to be reached in order to trigger the alert. For example, if the score reaches 5 since a form was completed, or a web page has been visited, the specified sales rep will be notified with an alert.

7)      It is possible to delete a scoring alert by clicking the icon.

8)      Click save to save the alerts created.


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