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This In this article will show you how to group and sort your reviews with the filters and tags tool. you will learn how to post questions, then how to answer questions received by your customers using the Questions and Answers tool.


How to access the


questions and



  1. From the left menu, open the Tools section.
  2. Access creation or modification of filters and tags by the Filters and tags list option.
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How to create a filter

To create a filter, you need to create a review group/category based on conditions and specific criterias in order to automatically segment your reviews. All new reviews added to your location pages for which the conditions correspond to your filters will be sorted through those filters.

  1. Click on ADD in order to create a new filter.

  2. Name your filter.
  3. Configure the filter conditions; you can configure your conditions on the review content or review rating.
  4. You can add or delete conditions with the - and + options completely at the right of the section.
  5. Conditions on rating are based on a scale of 0 to 5 within:
    1. Is not empty
    2. Is empty
    3. Between
    4. Is
    5. Greater than
    6. Greater than or equal
    7. Is included in
    8. Lower than
    9. Lower than or equal
    10. Is not
    11. Not in
  6. Conditions on reviews are:
    1. Is not empty
    2. Is empty
    3. Contains
    4. Does not contain
  7. Click on ADD and the filter is now created.

How to assign an existing filter to all your existing reviews

A new filter will automatically be applied to all new reviews being posted in your account. New reviews will be assigned a filter if the review respects the configured filter conditions. You can apply your filter to all reviews present in your account.

  1. From the list of filters and tags, to the right of the ADD button, click on the 3 dot menu.
  2. In this menu, click on the Apply to all reviews option.
  3. The system will now run all your filters on all reviews posted in your account, past and present. This process can take a few minutes to fully run. You will need to confirm that you do wish to perform this action. 
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How to create a tag 

A tag is like a filter but has no conditions or specific critera to segment your reviews. It needs to be applied manually.

  1. Click on ADD to create a new filter.

  2. Name your tag, same as for a filter.
  3. By clicking on the - , the condition will be deleted and the filter changed as a tag.
  4. Click on ADD to save your tag.

How to tag a review

In order to manually tag a review, you must first access the Answer Reviews section. 

  1. Select the review for which you which you want to apply a tag.
  2. Click on Tag this review.
  3. A dropdown menu of the available tags will show. Select the tag of your choice.
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  4. The selected tag is then applied to the review.
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  5. You can also remove a tag from a review by clicking on the X (Image Modifiedwhile doing a mouse over on the tag.
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How to update a filter or tag

  1. Click on the 3 dot menu and select Edit a filter/tag or double-click on the filter or tag to update.

  2. The filter or tag modification screen will appear and will work the exact same way as the filter or tag creation.
  3. Add or remove conditions is done through the - and + options completely at the right.
  4. You can once again migrate a filter as a tag by deleting all conditions or migrate a tag as a filter by adding conditions to it.

What is the difference between a filter and a tag?

Filters work with conditions and specific criteria to segment your reviews. They will automatically be assigned to all new reviews added on your locations pages and which correspond to the conditions within the filter.

Tags have no conditions and as such must be applied manually to the corresponding reviews.
