Comparaison des versions


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titleOnline reviews

From the Answer reviews page, you can view and answer the reviews left on your locations listings.

You can filter the reviews by Ratings (1 to 5 star(s)) and by actions. The default view is always: All locations with a review that requires an action or that has not been answered.

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From this interface, once you click on the review(s) button, you are redirected on the page to answer the reviews for the selected location.


titleAnswer reviews

From the Answer reviews page, you get an overview of the reviews left on the selected location listing.

Once again, you can filter by actions and rating to easily find what you are looking for when multiple reviews have been left on the page.

Two actions can be performed by clicking on the three dots appearing on the right side of the table: indicate to LOCALTRAC no action is required for this review or view the review in details and answer.

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When clickin on View and answer, you can see the complete review you selected and answer it.
