The PUBLITRAC relational marketing platform includes a series of native functionalities allowing you to go from a simple email to customer relations.
Centralize and profile your leads
All enterprises use different management systems accumulating information on their customers (CRM, ERP, billing system, cash registers, fidelity cards, website forms, customer lists, contest participants, etc.) A lot of interesting information, but most of the time maintained in different systems that don't communicate with each other. Each interaction your leads do is an opportunity to capture information. PUBLITRAC enables you to centralize, exploit and feed your data. Using this data provided will have a major impact on your customers' experience and on your revenue. To master this, you will need to centralize all information you have on your current customers.
The PUBLITRAC advantage is that you can profile individuals rather than IP addresses. Once your data is centralized, all new interactions a lead performs on your digital assets will improve this lead's profile.
Customize your communications
PUBLITRAC offers three levels of customization:
- At the recipient level.
You may adapt the content of your email based on your lead's socio-demographic profile (attributes), but also on his history (past behaviors your lead has had with your digital assets) and on his specific interests (custom fields). - At the sender level.
The email will be sent through PUBLITRAC, however the sender can be customized with any name and email you choose. For example, the email could be sent on behalf of a sales representative, a branch director, or even from a franchisee itself. You may also customize your email signature by adding in the name, contact information and photo of the sales representative. The responses to the email will be sent directly to the sales representative's inbox who can then take over of the follow-up with the customer. - At the content level.
With the dynamic content functionality, the content displayed will adapt based on the lead's profile.
- At the recipient level.
By sending relevant emails, you will lead to a more positive customer experience and a better communication flow.
Automate your email campaigns
The analysis of your consumer's buying decision cycle will enable you to create an optimal communication sequence. This communication sequence can be automated by PUBLITRAC, based on the lead's socio-demographic profile (attributes), but also on their history (past behaviors your lead has had with your digital assets) and on their specific interests (custom fields). PUBLITRAC also allows you to automate a dynamic communication sequence, based on the customer's path, by adjusting the content for a specific lead profile. For example, you can decide to position specific information at the top of your email for a specific lead profile while this same information could be at the bottom for another lead.
Keys to success for an optimal use of PUBLITRAC: increase customer commitment and retention
The platform allows you to act at all phases of the relational cycle, in real time and at the best time.
Cross-selling: select all the buyers of product X and automatically re-target them with a complementary product offer (for example, offer filters to customers who have bought a coffee maker).
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