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Vous regardez une version antérieure (v. /wiki/spaces/SUP/pages/10158768/How+do+I+modify+a+hosted+form) de cette page.

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« Afficher la version précédente Vous regardez la version actuelle de cette page. (v. 2) Actuel »

1. Click on the hosted form you wish to modify from the list of forms under Content / Form.

2. Update the form DescriptionReturn URL, form language, and/or Categories as required.

3. If you need to update the form's fields, click on Design form. Make any required modifications, then click Save

4. Click Save.

Note: if you have inserted this form as a form tag, the modifications will automatically be applied to the landing page in question.

If you have copy and pasted the original HTML form code to a landing page or a webpage, you must copy and paste the new HTML form code. 


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