Lexicon and native fields (available by default)
Activity: action to be performed automatically and in advance by PUBLITRAC. The activities should be selected at the moment when you automate your campaign. Examples of activities: Add (x) days to (y) in (z); Add to the list (x); Assign to sales team, send type (y) alert; Assign to (x), send type (z) alert; ...). In total, 22 activities are available in PUBLITRAC. The complete list of activities is available in the article under Campaign / Automated Campaigns / Automation tab.
API (Application Programming Interface): allows two programs to communicate together by accesses that can be incorporated into the applications, without having to know the details of the internal logic of the third party software. The number of calls to the API (number of synchronizations of leads per minute) is limited to 30 per minute.
Automation : Automation allows you to set up your campaigns using a decision tree in which you drag activities (actions to be performed automatically and in advance by PUBLITRAC) and decisions (the behaviours of the leads on your digital media).
Attributes: criteria from which you will be able to segment your lists and customize your mailings (socio-demographic profile, unique identifier (email), customer identifier (ID), do not call, unsubscribed (cause), invalid email (cause), suspended (reason), blacklisted,... )
Assigned salesperson: the salesperson who the lead is assigned to. You can set up your sales team from the main menu, in Parameters / Configuration / Sales team.
Active Lead: an individual with whom you have a relationship. His Lead Status is Active. You can add and / or delete as many lead statuses as you want (the addition of a lead status is often required when synchronizing with CRM’s). See Settings / Configuration / Configuration types, in the Lead status section.
Behavior : also called Decision in a relationship marketing context. PUBLITRAC allows to adjust the Campaign behaviors, and this, without manual interventions once your campaigns are configured, through communication sequences. PUBLITRAC displays 4 groups of decisions: decisions related to the lead`s status in your CRM, on the lead`s profile in PUBLITRAC, on the lead`s interactions with your site or the system automations.
Browser (also called browser): software for navigating on the web (ex: Internet explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Safari,...)
Cache: temporary file on your local computer that saves data that can be accessed quickly, without requiring you to reload this data (ex: access to a page already visited...).
Campaign: what distinguishes PUBLITRAC from email mailing platforms, is the ability to plan campaigns based not only on activities (planning day, time, alert,...) , but also based on the behaviors of your leads (Decisions). For example, schedule the activity 'Email (X)' for such a date, and then create the activity ' wait until {x} to {y})'. Depending on the behavior (decision) of your lead in regards to the email sent, we would, for example, create the decision ('email {x} read'), and if the lead read the email, you would send (or not) a second email (information on a specific product,...), or do another mailing in the case of an unread email (by dragging the activity ' Send email {Y} and select another email ').
Campaign category : a campaign category groups together your campaigns by themes. PUBLITRAC displays 7 default campaign categories: Email, Miscellaneous, Facebook, LinkedIn, PPC, social and Twitter. You can create your own categories from the settings, section Configuration / Configure the types or categories. The new categories that you will create will be added below the default categories.
Custom fields : fields created to track specific interests that are not part of the default list of fields available in PUBLITRAC. To create custom fields, see Settings / Configuration / Custom fields). A maximum 30 custom fields can be added in PUBLITRAC. It is recommended to include only two custom email fields per email so as to not slow down the sending process.
Chat : conversation/ / written and online discussion between two people using a keyboard and a website to communicate. The French expression Clavardage comes from the words Clavier and Bavardage.
Customer email : Outlook, Hotmail, Gmail, Apple Mail, Yahoo, Lotus, Thunderbird,... Software installed on your workstation to read and send your emails.
CMS (Content Management System): software to edit the content of websites.
CNAME : also called a Subdomain mapping or Host mapping or Canonical record or Canonical name). A CNAME is a record in the DNS, which indicates that the domain name used is an alias for another domain name. This is to ensure that the images, files and landing pages are displayed with a different domain name other than app.publitrac.com (for example offre.votredomaine.com ).
Contacted by telephone: a list of leads for which the Contact method displayed in the Lead details page is Telephone. Applies when you want to follow telephone numbers via PUBLITRAC. You will be able to automate a mailing from a Contacted by telephone filtered list.
Contacted by the website: a list of leads for which the Contact method displayed in the Lead details page is Form. Applies to the form hosted in PUBLITRAC. You can automate a mailing from a Contact by website filtered list.
Contacted by chat: a list of leads for which the Contact method displayed in the Lead details page is Chat. Applies to leads who contacted you via a Live Chat embedded on your web site and connected to PUBLITRAC.
Conversion : a conversion occurs when a lead clicks or does an action on one of your digital media (Visited a page or section of the website, Clicked on the website link, Email sent, opened, clicked, bounced, unsubscribed, Form, completed, Lead created, Discussion on chat, Message on chat). As soon as this action occurs, PUBLITRAC enables an interaction with your converted lead.
Cookie: allows the websites you visited to store your preferences according to the information that you entered previously.
CRM (Customer Relationship Management): management software used to manage clients, leads.
CSV (comma separated values): text file with comma-separated values. Each line of the text corresponds to a row in the table. A .CSV file is used, for example, when you want to import data from an Excel file to PUBLITRAC.
.CSV File: file without any formatting (no bold, no italics, no alignment,...). Allows the transfer of data in a variety of applications.
Customer identifier (ID) : the identification number assigned by your system (not to be confused with the unique identifier which is the lead’s email address, also called the unicity key).
Contact method: the three default Contact methods displayed in PUBLITRAC are Chat, Form, and Telephone. You can add as many Contact methods as you want (for example, Reference from store XX, Reference from an existing customer; ...). The addition of Contact methods is often required when synchronizing with CRM’s. To add / remove Contact methods, see Parameters/ Configuration/ Configuration of types in the Contact method section.
Company profile: basic information about your company (name, address, telephone...). This information is important since Bill C28 requires that some of the information be displayed on your email (unsubscribe URL, information about the sender of the email,...). Once the information about company profile is properly configured, if you forget to add the information required by Bill C-28 on your email, PUBLITRAC will automatically generate this information from the information contained in your company profile.
Decision tree : tool to build the communication sequences to be executed in your email campaign. The analysis of the decision-making process of your lead (customer experience) will help to determine an optimal communication sequence. This sequence will be automated from the decision tree. The information contained in the Lead details page (socio-demographic data (attributes), history (past behaviors of the lead on your digital media) and specific interests of your leads (custom fields) will allow you to build an optimal sequence.
Deferred campaign : campaign triggered as a result of a lead`s action on one of your digital media or from a filtered or segmented list.
Default fields : fields pre-created by PUBLITRAC , fields common to all clients.
Disposable email : temporary addresses, often used for fraudulent purposes. We recommend that they be deleted.
Decision : lead`s behavior with respect to your digital media. PUBLITRAC displays 4 groups of decisions: decisions related to the lead`s status in your CRM, on the lead`s profile in PUBLITRAC, on the lead`s interactions with your site or the system automations.
Domain root : letters at the end of an address. For example: .ca for Canada, .org for organization, .com for commercial).
Duplicate : list of leads which are possibly duplicates (same email or same name). PUBLITRAC manages and eliminates duplicates at the execution of a campaign. It ensures that a same lead receives your email only once. Note that two leads with the same name are not necessarily duplicates. You can have two leads with the same name, but for who the email and other information is different. If the email addresses are different, PUBLITRAC manages them as two different leads (your leads’ unicity key is the email address).
Email : your lead`s email address. Also called the Unicity Key or the unique identifier. PUBLITRAC supports only one unique ID which is the email address.
Email clicked : an email is considered as clicked when the recipient has downloaded the images. If the recipient does not download images, the email will not be considered as having been clicked, even if it has been viewed. An email open rate is difficult to calculate with precision because it is calculated from the download of the images in the recipient’s Inbox. In a similar idea, a text email cannot be followed since it contains no images. This problem stems from email providers, including Microsoft Outlook, which disable the download of images by default, which requires the recipient to click download images to see the email in its integrity.
Email complainer : users that are quick to mark emails as spam. We recommend that you send them a low volume of emails in order to avoid opt-outs.
Email fraud List : email addresses that have been reported as being linked to fraud. We recommend that they be deleted.
Email User does not exist : indicates that the user (the portion before the @) is not registered for the email address field. Therefore, it is not a real email address. We recommend that they be deleted.
Email sent : an email is calculated as sent when it is transmitted to a recipient by Publitrac`s email server on the part of the owner of the account .
Email disabled (hard bounce): when an email is not delivered to its recipient. No new email will be sent to this address. PUBLITRAC automatically updates information on the Lead details page by checking the box invalid email. All saved actions on an invalid address are stored in PUBLITRAC so that if the lead changes his email address, the history will be merged / transferred under his new email address.
Email opened : an email is considered Opened when the recipient has downloaded the images. If the recipient does not download images, the email will not be considered as having been clicked, even if it has been viewed. An email open rate is difficult to calculate with precision because it is calculated from the download of the images in the recipient’s Inbox. In a similar idea, a text email cannot be followed since it contains no images. This problem stems from email providers, including Microsoft Outlook, which disable the download of images by default, which requires the recipient to click download images to see the email in its integrity.
Email viewed : an email is considered to be viewed when the recipient has not downloaded the images (he has not clicked the 'x' identifying images on the email).
Email bounced (soft bounce or hard bounce) : leads that have not received your emails.
- soft bounce temporary delivery failure (also called soft bounce) : temporary unavailability of the recipient's email server, out of the office message, full mailbox, or sender email blocked by the recipient's email server. Soft bounces being temporary, the email address is still considered valid in PUBLITRAC. Three tentatives will be made to send out the email to the lead on a 24-hour period. Sending tentative will then cease. If you still wish to send your email to these leads after the 24-hour period, you will need to send a campaign to the bounced emails. The email address that has a soft bounce is still valid, therefore your lead will be able to receive your next campaign even though the previous campaign was unsuccessful.
- hard bounce: when an email address is invalid. PUBLITRAC will automatically update the information in the Lead Detail page by checking the Invalid Email checkbox. This address will no longer receive any emails. However, all actions performed by this invalid email will stay in PUBLITRAC and if ever this lead changes his email address (updated manually in the lead detail page) his history will be transferred under his new email address.
ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) : An Enterprise Resource Planning software.
Email test group : a group to which you will send a test email (for example, the marketing group) or to a group of test addresses (for example test+001@gmail.com, test+002@gmail.com, test+003@gmail.com, ... ). We recommend setting a minimum of 25 email addresses to which your emails will be sent to from different email clients (Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo,..., and your company’s). For more details, see article under Section 3-Content and Customization / Email (test your emails via a test and preview group)
External identifier (External ID): identification number used when synchronizing or importing leads.
Empty list: this list allows you to add leads manually. It contains no lead at the start.
FTP (File Transfer Protocol) : allows the transfer of files over the internet.
Follow-up Lead : an individual on who you want to make a particular follow-up (right click once with your mouse on your selected lead from the list of leads.) Click Follow.
Filtered list : also called Segment. PUBLITRAC allows to segment (filter) your leads from the information on the Lead details page: social demographic profile (attributes), past behaviors (history) and custom fields (interests). You insert inclusion or exclusion criteria to your list and it is updated dynamically and in real-time according to your specifications.
Geofencing : allows to trigger a promotional message, depending on where the user is located in a branch office.
HTML (format) : allows a more elaborate layout (tables, images, links, etc.)
IP (Internet Protocol) address: address that identifies your computer on the internet.
Indefinite campaign : campaign running continuously and automatically on all new leads added to your database.
Invalid email cause: the reason why the email is considered to be invalid. The reason is provided by the recipient`s server (non-editable).
Inferred company : a company to which we could possibly associate the anonymous lead according to information captured.
Import a list: import a list hosted in your systems in PUBLITRAC.
Interests: PUBLITRAC allows the creation of custom fields to save your leads’ particular interests. For example, shoe size, likes chocolate... You can create fields that are unique to your business.
Income : income from the lead.
Issuer (issuer name) : it is the name of the person who the email will come from. This name will appear in the Inbox of the leads who will receive the email. It is not the email address.
Keyword: PUBLITRAC saves the keyword used by your lead during his first Google search (organic or paid) on your digital media. For example, the lead searches for Marketing agency. He goes to Publipage’s website and completes the online form. The lead source will be Organic Google search and the keyword will be Marketing agency. Just like the original source, this field is not editable.
List category: a list category groups your lists by themes (for example, contest list, congress list ,...). The categories that appear in the drop-down menu are the ones you have previously created manually. The List categories which have been created remain in memory and will be displayed in the drop-down menu on your next visit. This field is optional. If the desired list category does not exist, you can create it manually by entering the name of the category you want in the drop-down menu field. No list category is pre-created by default in PUBLITRAC. Note that whenever a list is imported, the name of the list appears in the List categories drop-down menu.
Lead creation date : this field is completed automatically at your lead`s first interaction on your digital media. This field is no longer editable.
Lead update date : date of the last update performed on your lead. This field is updated during each action on the lead (update of the profile, synchronization,...). This update is done for all actions on/by the lead. Be it a visit to the website, a completed form, an update, synchronization, etc.
Language : a lead’s preferred language. The 26 available languages in PUBLITRAC are: German, English, Arabic, Bengali, Catalan, Chinese, Korean, Danish, Spanish, Finnish, French, Greek, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Dutch, Punjabi, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, and Vietnamese.
Lead assigned: an individual on who a campaign will run.
Lead/customer: individual who has provided his email address (also called the lead’s unique identifier or unicity key).
Lead unsubscribed : an individual who unsubscribes himself from your communications by clicking the unsubscribe link that appears automatically (and necessarily under Bill C-28) at the bottom of each email powered by PUBLITRAC. Emails will no longer be sent to this unsubscribed lead. However, you can manually uncheck the Lead unsubscribed box on the Lead Details page for cases where a lead renews his consent (by telephone, orally, in writing,...).
- Unsubscribed cause: mechanism that led to the lead’s unsubscribe (not editable). For example, unsubscribe link. This information is a system information provided by the email server and cannot be modified manually.
- Unsubscribed reason : details of the reason why the lead has opted-out (editable). This information can be entered manually or by a field to be completed on your unsubscribe form. For example, I receive too many emails from you, I have moved, etc.
Lead inactive: an individual with whom you no longer have a relationship. His Lead status is Inactive. You can add and / or delete as many lead statuses as you want (the addition of a lead status is often required when synchronizing with CRM’s). See Settings / Configuration / Configuration types, in the Lead status section.
Leads (best leads) : a list of leads whose digital interactions (form completed, link clicked on an email or landing page, visited a section of the website) are followed and monitored by applying a score that you will have previously established for each interaction. The score enables you to establish your lead’s level of maturation. Depending on the score, you can automate a mailing from a Best leads filtered list to follow-up with them or to assign them to a salesperson who will contact them.
Lead treated : individual on who a campaign was executed.
Landing page : landing pages are web pages a visitor is sent to by clicking on a pre-determined link. In a relational marketing context, these landing pages do not direct to your web site, but rather to pages outside of your website, with the goal to increase the conversion rate (encourage the lead to click and move forward in the buying process) or lead generation (capture information on the lead (name, address, e-mail,... ).
Lead Details page (also called Lead profile): page consolidating lead information into five sections: A. Information B. Lead/Customer Attributes C. Business D. Statistics of website navigation E. Notes. See 2-Leads, lists, and profiling (understand the Lead details page for more details)
Lead scoring: score assigned to a lead. The score allows to prioritize a lead based on its probability of conversion. Assign a score to your leads based on their digital interactions (form completed, a link clicked on an email or landing page, visit to a section of the website) or according to their attributes (social demographic profile) will help pre-qualify them to establish a communication chain. Depending on your lead’s score, you can automate an email to follow-up with him or assign this lead to a salesperson who will contact him. For more details on our scorecard tool, see Analysis / Lead Scores from the main menu.
Lead status: the two default lead statuses displayed in PUBLITRAC are assets (a lead with which you still have a relationship) and inactive (a lead with which you no longer have a relationship). You can add and / or delete as many lead statuses as you want (for example, Pending status). The addition of statuses is often required when synchronizing with CRM`s. To add / delete statuses, see Parameters / Configuration / Configuration of types, under the Lead Status section.
Media-queries: are the rules to be applied in the code of your email or landing page in order to change the design according to the characteristics of the screen. Using this technique, the design automatically fits the screen of each visitor, mobile, tablet or desktop.
One-time automated campaign : campaign run only once.
Original source: displays the original source by which the lead was created in PUBLITRAC. For example, when a list is imported, the name of the imported list will be in the original source and the original source category will be import list. This field is filled in automatically by PUBLITRAC and will no longer be editable. The original sources available in PUBLITRAC are the following: Name of the imported list, Name of the form, Name of the campaign. If the details are not available, the original source category will be listed by default.
Original source category : your sources can be grouped under different categories for easy classification. This category is automatically completed only once and is not editable. The Original source categories available in PUBLITRAC are: Import list, synchronization, Campaign, Paid Google search (Google AdWords), Paid Google ads (Google display /ad AdWords which comes from another site), Organic Google search, Organic Yahoo search, Organic Bing search, Twitter, Facebook (paid or non-paid search, LinkedIn).
Query: A query is a call or an order made by the API to go and get or push information into PUBLITRAC. It is therefore an integral part of your communication programming by API between your database and PUBLITRAC.
Reactivate a campaign : relaunch a campaign that has already rolled. In such cases, the leads who already received the original email will not receive it again.
Reset a campaign : relaunch a campaign that has already rolled and set it back to zero so that the leads may again receive the scheduled automation for the campaign.
Relaunch a campaign: See reactivate a campaign.
Referral traffic : visitors to your site that come from direct links on other websites rather than directly or from searches. For example, a website that put a link to a page on your website.
Sender email address : sender email address as it will appear in the Inbox of the leads who will receive the email. This is also the address to which the responses will be sent. If you do not wish to receive a response on the part of your contacts, enter no-reply@votredomaine.com as the sender address.
Score alert : a score alert is an email message sent automatically to a salesperson (or sales team,...) to advise that a lead from your database has reached a score judged relevant to initiate a contact with this him.
Source category : your sources can be grouped under different categories for easy classification. This category is automatically completed only once and cannot be edited. The original source categories available in PUBLITRAC are: Import list, Synchronization, Campaign, Paid Google search (Google AdWords), paid Google ads (Google display AdWords which come from another site), Organic Google search, Organic Yahoo search, Organic Bing, Twitter, Facebook (paid or non-paid) search, LinkedIn.
Score group : criteria according to which points will be attributed to a lead, based on his interactions on your digital media (form completed, link clicked on an email or landing page, visit to a section of the website).
Suspended Lead : an individual with whom you no longer want to communicate. For example, a lead could be suspended if he is a bad payer, if he is on an extended sick leave... You must manually check the Unsubscribed box on the Lead Details page to unsubscribe this lead. The information and activities related to this lead will be always stored in PUBLITRAC. However, he will no longer receive emails.
Special links : tags enabling the customization of your emails at the sender level. Following is a list of special link tags available in PUBLITRAC:
Segment : filtered list based on the profile and behaviors of your leads. You insert inclusion or exclusion criteria to your list and it is updated dynamically and in real-time according to the attributes specific to your leads.
Source lead : this field refers to the origin of this lead. The default Source leads that are displayed in PUBLITRAC’s drop-down menu are: Bing, Google, New lead, and Yahoo. The lists that you import into PUBLITRAC will automatically be displayed in the Source leads’ drop-down menu. You can add / delete as many Source leads as you want; your choice will automatically be added to the drop- down menu. To delete Source leads, see Parameters / Configuration / Configuration of types, in the Source lead section.
Statistics of website navigation: statistics on the visits made by the lead on your web site. These statistics are similar to those found in Analytics, but are specific to the lead (and not to an IP address). There are statistics on the total page views, total page views 7 days, average page views, total visits, last visit, number of pages visited, time of last visit, page on last visit.
Tag : a command integrated into an email or a landing page but invisible to the final reader. The final reader will see only the value requested by this command. The PUBLITRAC tags can customize your emails at three levels: recipient, sender and dynamic content. The tags can customize your landing pages at three levels: recipient, forms to integrate, social media icons.
Tracking code : a code that is instantly installed on all the pages of your website (same principle as the installation of the Analytics tracking code) to allow to better understand and track the behaviors of your leads.
Trigger: event which automatically triggers an email campaign. Twenty triggers are available in PUBLITRAC : Add to the list. Alert sent; API call; Telephone call; Email clicked; Email unsubscribed; Email sent; Email open; Email bounced; Discussion on chat; Remove from the list; Form completed; Lead created, Lead merged; Link the website clicked; Message on chat; Web page visited; Score modified; Website section visited; Lead Source modified.
Template (also named layout): model of a page layout that you can use when you create an email or a landing page. PUBLITRAC offers eight basic templates, but also lets you upload your own email and landing page templates. PUBLITRAC`s default templates can be used in standard format (desktop) and/or mobile.
Tag : two types of tags are found in PUBLITRAC: Category Tag (label or a wording assigned to an email, a landing page or a list which allows to easily group items with the same tags) or Tags (command integrated to an email or to your landing page but invisible to the final reader. The final reader will see only the value requested by this command). PUBLITRAC tags can customize your emails at three levels: recipient, sender, dynamic content. PUBLITRAC tags can customize your landing pages at three levels: recipient, forms to integrate social media icons.
Token : tracking code integrated into the URL. Is added after the? of the URL
Touch marketing: it displays the history of all the import sources or synchronization in PUBLITRAC.
Unicity Key: a lead`s email address is also called the unicity key, also called unique identifier in PUBLITRAC.
Unsubscribed email : an email address of a lead who opted out from your communications by clicking on an unsubscribe (required under Bill C-28) link at the bottom of an email.
Unsubscribed: Checkbox indicating a lead that has unsubscribed from your communications by clicking the unsubscribe link (mandatory in accordance with bill C-28) at the bottom of all emails propelled by PUBLITRAC. No emails will be sent to this unsubscribed lead. You may, however, manually un-check the Unsubscribe check box under the lead detail page if for example, a lead has renewed his subscription in writing (without using a form linked to PUBLITRAC).
Unsubscribed cause: mechanism that leads to the unsubscription of the lead (non-editable). For example, the unsubscribe link. This information is supplied by the email server and cannot be modified manually.
Unsubscribed reason : details of the reason why the lead has unsubscribed from your emails (editable). This field can be filled out manually or linked to a field you have included in your unsubscribe form. For example, receives too many emails, moved, etc.
Unique identifier : a lead’s email address is the unique identifier, also called unicity key in PUBLITRAC.
URL (Uniform Resource Locator): web address.
Unidentified visitors (also called anonymous visitors) : individuals who visited your web site, without leaving their email address. This visitor`s information (IP address, the name of his company, origin of the visit, pages visited on your web site,...) will be saved, but PUBLITRAC will not be able to associate that visitor's IP address to an individual. As soon as this unidentified visitor will provide his email address, by subscribing to our newsletter for example, or by participating in a contest, he will automatically become a lead and the history of his past actions (interests) as an anonymous visitor will be added to his profile. The history of unidentified visitors is kept for a period of 3 months in PUBLITRAC. However, for a fee, it is possible to keep it for a longer period.
List of fields available by default (native) in PUBLITRAC
Name | Data type | Length | Default | Mandatory | Description |
firstName | ALPHANUMERIC | 50 |
| The contact`s first name |
middleName | ALPHANUMERIC | 50 |
| The contact`s middle name |
lastName | ALPHANUMERIC | 50 |
| The contact`s last name |
Phone | ALPHANUMERIC | 25 |
| The contact`s telephone number |
| Yes | The contact`s email address | |
leadSource | ALPHANUMERIC | 200 |
| The name of the campaign |
company |
| 75 |
| The name of the contact`s company |
mailingAddr ess | ALPHANUMERIC | 150 |
| The contact`s mailing address |
originalSource | ALPHANUMERIC | 200 |
| Yes | The name of the source (Contact Form, Buying Process Step1 etc) |
originalSourceType | ALPHANUMERIC | 200 | Direct | Yes | The contact`s source type (Direct, PPC, Import list, etc)
keyword | ALPHANUMERIC | 200 |
| The keywords with which the contact has made the search |
jobTitle | ALPHANUMERIC | 100 |
| The contact`s job title |
dateOfBirth | DATE TIME | 50 |
| The contact`s date of birth. Must have the following format: YYYY-MM-DD |
status | ALPHANUMERIC | 250 | Active |
| The default status is 'Active' and 'Inactive'. Other statuses can be added in the administration section of PUBLITRAC
score | INTEGER |
| 0 |
| The contact`s score |
postalCode | ALPHANUMERIC | 25 |
| The contact`s postal code |
country | ALPHANUMERIC | 50 |
| The contact`s country |
City | ALPHANUMERIC | 50 |
| The contact`s city |
State | ALPHANUMERIC | 50 |
| The contact`s state |
doNotCall | BOOLEAN |
| 0 |
| The person asked to no longer be called
doNotCallReason | ALPHANUMERIC | unlimited |
| The reason why the person won't be called
token | ALPHANUMERIC | 100 | N/A |
| The token ID which is used for the unique identifier for the contact
unsubscribe | BOOLEAN |
| 0 |
| Unsubscribe a contact |
unsubscribeCause | ALPHANUMERIC | 50 |
| The cause of the contact`s opt-out |
unsubscribeReason | ALPHANUMERIC | unlimited |
| The reason of the contact`s opt-out |
fax | ALPHANUMERIC | 25 |
| The fax number |
Mobile | ALPHANUMERIC | 25 |
| Mobile number |
isCustomer | BOOLEAN |
| 0 |
| The contact is a customer |
emailInvalid | BOOLEAN |
| 0 |
| The customer`s email address is valid |
emailInvalidCause | ALPHANUMERIC | 250 |
| The reason for which the customer`s email is invalid (malformed or bounced) |
notes | ALPHANUMERIC | unlimited |
| Notes and comments from the contact. |
suspended | BOOLEAN |
| 0 |
| Has the contact been suspended |
suspendedReason | ALPHANUMERIC | unlimited |
| The reason why the contact is suspended |
blacklisted | BOOLEAN |
| 0 |
| Is the contact on the blacklist
blacklistedCause | ALPHANUMERIC | 50 |
| The reason for which the contact is on the blacklist |
customerId | ALPHANUMERIC | 32 |
| The unique ID that the customer uses on his side to associate each contact |
website | ALPHANUMERIC | 100 |
| The contact`s website |
language | ALPHANUMERIC | 25 |
| The contact`s language |
nbrEmployees | INTEGER |
| The number of employees |
revenue | INTEGER |
| The contact`s company`s revenue |
crmLeadId | ALPHANUMERIC | 127 |
| The ID of the external system for automated synchronizations
gender | ALPHANUMERIC | 25 |
| The contact`s gender |
activitySector | ALPHANUMERIC | 75 |
| The contact`s sector of activity |
subActivitySector | ALPHANUMERIC | 75 |
| The contact`s sub-sector of activity |
Department | ALPHANUMERIC | 50 |
| The contact`s department |
Manager | BOOLEAN |
| 0 |
| The contact's Manager |
salesRep | ALPHANUMERIC | 50 |
| The name of the contact`s salesperson |
contactMethod | ALPHANUMERIC | 25 |
| The contact`s contact method (Form, Phone, Chat) |
useToken | BOOLEAN |
| 1 |
| Determines if the token value must be used for identifying unique for leads |
custom fields |
| 500 |
| Fields that are customized to your needs |