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This field indicates where a lead is coming from at the time of his first contact with your business online. 

For example, this field will detail whether this lead is originating from a paid or organic search, from social media, etc. 

PUBLITRAC will automatically populate this field with one of the following values: 

  • Google Paid Search: a visit originating from one of your Google AdWords ads
  • Google Paid Ad: a visit originating from a Google Content Network ad (e.g. an AdWords ad on a third-party site)
  • Google Organic Search: a visit originating from a natural (unpaid) Google search
  • Yahoo Organic Search: a visit originating from a natural (unpaid) Yahoo! search
  • Bing Organic Search: a visit originating from a natural (unpaid) Bing search
  • Twitter: a visit originating from a Twitter search
  • Facebook: a visit originating from a profile or other Facebook page
  • LinkedIn: a visit originating from an individual or company account

Wherever possible, PUBLITRAC will display the search term(s) used by the lead. 


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