You will find in this section all the information concerning Lists Management:
How do I create a list?How do I create an empty list?How do I create a filtered list?How do I modify a list?How do I archive a list?Preparation of a list of leads to be importedHow do I import a list of leads?Explanation of lists that are present by defaultHow do I add a lead to a list?How do I create a list for a test group?Assign a list to one or more sales repRun a mass update on leads in a listUnsubscribed listHow to convert a .CSV file to an .XLSX file and vice versa?How can I create an internal employees group that will receive a copy of all emails sent to our database?When I delete a list, are the leads on that list also deleted?Is it necessary to import a new complete leads list when some modifications to a few fields are required?Do archived lists affect the total number of contacts?How do I export a list?Understanding how leads lists workWhat is the impact when I reimport leads in an existing list?How do I merge lists?