Comparaison des versions


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Actions: total number of clicks on action buttons such as calls, directions or website appearing on your listings. Note that actions statistics are not necessarily calculated the same from one directory to the other. To view specific definitions by directory, see the Stats Lexicon in 6- Reports article.

Active: confirms that your location is active and monitored in your subscribed directories.

Aggregator: platforms which regroup, stock and broadcast to and from other directories.

Authenticate: enables the authentification and linking of a directory with an account in LOCALTRAC.


Business: in LOCALTRAC, a business is usually associated to a head office with multiple locations. A business can also have only one location. The display hierarchy in LOCALTRAC is as following: Account, Business, Location.


Calls: action button often available on listings. By clicking on a call button, the user obtains your business phone number. This button can be clicked on mobile, desktop and tablets.

Compare to: this option present in your reports enables you to compare a date range to the previous period or year.

Create: used to create a new location in LOCALTRAC.


Directions: also called itenerary request. By clicking on a Get directions button, the user obtains your the itinerary to get to your location. This button can be clicked on mobile, desktop and tablets. Note that actions statistics are not necessarily calculated the same from one directory to the other. To view specific definitions by directory, see the Stats Lexicon in 6- Reports article.


Discrepancies: also called errors or incorrect listings. A discrepancy indicates the variation between a value in the master list and a value in a directory. Discrepancies can be related to a different way of displaying phone number (i.e. 514-555-1234 or (514) 555-1234) or to an error in the field value. The discrepancies management or incorrect listings management can be done from the Manage incorrect listings tab in LOCALTRAC. See all details in 2- Manage incorrect listings article.

Duplicate: when 2 listings exists for the same location. LOCALTRAC will identify this duplicate as an error and will display in the Manage Discrepencies page.


Errors: see 'discrepancies'.

Export: LOCALTRAC enables you to export performance and review reports, either in csv or pdf formats.


Franchisee: see 'location'.


GPS: Global Positioning System.


ImportationImport: LOCALTRAC allows importation the import of your locations' list.

Impression: also called 'views'. Number of times your listings were viewed in a directory. Note that actions statistics are not necessarily calculated the same from one directory to the other. To view specific definitions by directory, see the Stats Lexicon in 6- Reports article.

Itinerary: see 'directions'.

insights: reports on your pages performances within a directory


Keywords: most commonly used word in search engines requests.


Location: refers to a location under a business. Also called franchisee. The display hierarchy in LOCALTRAC is as following: Account, Business, Location.


Master listprofile: each location has a master list profile in which all relevant information can be entered. The master list is used by LOCALTRAC to compare values in directories. If there is a discrepancy between the master list profile value and the directory value, it will be flagged a an incorrect listing.


Photos views: Total number of views on your listings photos. Note that actions statistics are not necessarily calculated the same from one directory to the other. To view specific definitions by directory, see the Stats Lexicon in 6- Reports article.

Propagate: enables to send your updated information to your subscribed directories.

Print: LOCALTRAC enables you to print both the performance and review reports.


Reviews: also called evaluation. A review is normally classified by rating (number of stars from 1 to 5). A review can be left on a location listing in certain directories, if the functionnality is offered by the directory. For example, Google My Business, Facebook and Foursquare allow users to leave reviews while Bing does not.LOCALTRAC helps you answer reviews timely and efficiently.


Search engine: allows users to find ressources by entering keywords requests in a search bar.


Update: bring your information up to date.


View: See 'impression'.
