Leads Tab (profiling)

Leads Tab (profiling)

The Leads / Customers screen brings together the profile of individuals registered in your database. In this screen you can:

  • Manage your leads: allows you to view a lead's profile, add, merge or delete leads and more.
  • Manage your lists: allows you to import lists, create a segment or filtered list, merge lists, assign a list to a seller and more.

Consult the articles in the 2- Leads and profiling category (Leads / Customers, Unidentified Visitors, Import) for the procedures to follow and all the details on this tab.

PUBLITRAC'S strength is that the information collected is all associated with individuals who have had interactions with your digital assets (unlike Google Analytics, for example, which presents 'anonymous' statistics derived from IP addresses). Thus, your campaigns will be addressed to individuals on which you will have accumulated information based on their history (past behavior on your digital assets), their attributes (socio-demo profile, ...) and their specific interests (personalized fields) .

The first step in order to launch a campaign is to profile your customer database so you can extract a list which will contain your leads. You can easily segment from the profiles contained in the relationship marketing platform by targeting according to history (past behaviors of the lead on your digital assets), attributes (socio-demo profile, ...) and specific interests (custom fields). Our lead management module allows you to create segments, by strictly targeting the desired interactions, and this, for all the profiles contained in your database.

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