Create a new user

Create a new user


Note that only account administrator can create new users in LOCALTRAC.

If you do not have account administrator access, please contact PUBLITECH and provide the email address and required access level for the new user you want to add.

How to create a new user in LOCALTRAC?

 Click to view
  1. Log in as account administrator
  2. Click on the burger menu in the top right corner of your screen and select Users 

     3. You will land on the user management page https://publipage.localtrac.ca/users/list. From this page you can view all users who already have access to any of the accounts, businesses or locations under your main account by Name, Email, Language and Access role.

     4. Click on the ADD USER button just above the search tool in the right hand corner.

  5. Once on the Configure your user profile page, enter the following information in the respective fields:

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Email: The email address will be used as username to log in to LOCALTRAC.
  • Display language: Select the default language for the user. Note that the interface will automatically be in this language once the user will log in to his account, but the user will be able to switch language by clicking on FR or EN in the top menu at any time.
  • Access role: Select the access role of the user you are about to create. For more details on the available access roles, see Users - Roles / Permissions.
  • New password / Confirm password: This password will be associated with the email address once user is created. Note that the user will be able to change his password at any time by clicking on Reset password on the log in page.

    6. Once all information on the user is entered, select the level of access you wish to grant. Three levels are available: Account, Business, Location. The list of available Account/Business/Location will appear once the level is selected. 

    7. Two search boxes are present. The top box is for a Business search as the bottom one is for a location search. Entering a Business first will narrow your search for a location as it will only display locations related to the selected Business.

    8. Click on the GRANT ACCESS button for the Account/Business/Location you want to give the user access to. The button will disappear and you can then click on DONE to consult the list of access granted. Click on SAVE once you are done to complete user creation.



  • You can grant access to more than one Account/Business/Location for the same user, simply click on GRANT ACCESS for more than one Account/Business/Location.
  • If you want to create a new user and give him access to a specific location only, make sure you have the full address of this location to facilitate search and avoid mistakes.
  • You can remove access to Account/Business/Location by clicking on thesign when on the Configure your user profile page.

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