Manage notifications

Manage notifications

Learn how to activate or deactivate the notifications in LOCALTRAC. 


  1. You can receive notifications by email or alerts to be notified when a member of your team changes and updates information about your locations.
  2. You can receive a notification when a customer posts a review regarding his satisfaction towards your brand; allowing you to respond within a reasonable time. 
  3. You can set up performance report notifications in advance and receive your performance reports and results at the desired time. 

Activate or deactivate the notifications for the location updates.

 Click to view
  • Click on the alert symbol and select Parameters or click on the 3 line menu top right of the page and select My Profile.  


  • Once on your user profile configuration page, go to the Notifications section.

  • To create a notification, click on Add notification.
  • Select on how you want to receive your notifications, either by an alert in the system or by email.

  • Select the categories for which you want to receive your notifications, and then click Add.

  • To edit a notification configuration click on the pen or to delete it click on the cross.

Activate or deactivate the notifications for the reviews.

 Click to view
  • Click on the alert symbol and select Parameters or click on the 3 line menu top right of the page and select My Profile.  


  • Once on your user profile configuration page, go to the Notifications section.

  • To create a notification, click on Add notification.
  • Select on how you want to receive your notifications, either by an alert in the system or by email.

  • Select the categories for which you want to receive your notifications, and then click Add.

  • To edit a notification configuration click on the pen or to delete it click on the cross.

Activate or deactivate the notifications for the performance reports.

 Click to view
  • Click on the alert symbol and select Parameters or click on the 3 line menu top right of the page and select My Profile.  


  • Once on your user profile configuration page, go to the Report notifications section.

  • To create a notification, click Add a report notification
  1. Select how you want to receive your notifications, either by an alert in the system or by email.
  2. Select the desired frequency.
  3. Set the desired period.
  4. Select the day of the week and time when you want to receive the report notification.
  5. Specify the statistics that you want to receive.

  • To edit a notification configuration click on the pen or to delete it click on the cross.

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