5- Master profile
Catherine C-Ménard (Unlicensed)
Michel Frigon
Melissa Cote (Unlicensed)
The location master profile indicates to LOCATRAC which information is the right information. LOCALTRAC compares the values from its master profile to the values in the subscribed directories and generate a discrepancy report (available on the 2- Manage incorrect listings page). There is one master profile for each location.
Each directory has specific fields to fill and LOCALTRAC helps you make sure all your listings are accurate and up to date with the latest information.
You can access a location master profile several ways, the easiest way is from the List of locations page accessible from the Locations menu.
From the List of locations page, click on the three dots on the location for which you want to see the master profile and select Master profile.
- In order to modify your Master Profile, click on the pen in the top right corner of the section you wish to modify.
- Once in the section of your choice and your corrections made, click on Save to propagate online.
See at point 3. below how to manage your regular and special hours as well as optional schedules.
You can also manage a different website for your Google page vs the other online directories. See point 12. below. - When updating your hours, make sure you select the opening option on the left (Closed, Always Open, etc.)
- You can manage your special hours in advance. Click on Show Upcoming Holiday to see your regional Holidays or click directly on Add new date to enter your special hours.
- Select Closed or enter your special opening hours and save in order to propagate online.
- If your business has different set of hours for various services, you can add hours for those services from a list supplied by Google. In your Master Profile, click on the pen in the More Hours section.
- The following options are available for selection:
- Select the option of your choice and add the hours.
- Save your selections.
- You can select many options and have all those schedules online.
- Those schedules will appear this way online:
- In order to modify your web links, you must access the following section. Click on the pen to access it:
- You have the option of multiple online platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. and your website link. Your website can now display a different URL on your Google page. The field (a) is set for all directories. If you wish to have a different URL on your Google page, for tracking purposes for example, use the field (b) shown below.
IMPORTANT : Keep in mind that the special hours will overwrite regular hours. If you change your regular hours for a day covered by special hours, remember that it's the special hours that will be displayed online.
You have the possibility to add images or medias to the different directories within your package. Directories will offer different options, going from your logo, profile picture, cover photo or generic medias. Only medias uploaded via LOCALTRAC will give you the option to modify or remove. Images already online need to be managed by your Google account directly.
- To add an image, click on the Media Library tab.
- You will have access to 5 sections:
- Your Media library containing images already downloaded
- Google My Business medias
- Facebook medias
- Foursquare medias
- Medias for other directories
- To add a Media, click on the + sign of the requested directory and select the type of media you with to import online.
- If you already have images on your page, you need to click on the pen to edit the media you wish to change. The edit pen is visible when doing a mouse over on the icons.
- If you already have images on your page, you need to click on the pen to edit the media you wish to change. The edit pen is visible when doing a mouse over on the icons.
- You can select an image from your media library or drop a file to upload it. Click on Select to finalise the process.
- Images need to be within the following formats:
- Format: JPG or PNG.
- Size: between 10 ko and 5 Mo.
- Recommend resolution: hieght 720 pixels and width 720 pixels.
- Minimal resolution: height 250 pixels and width 250 pixels.